How Much Do Veneers Cost – Guide to Financing Your Treatment

dental veneers

Finding dental veneers at a competitive price is always crucial in your decision-making. Yet the problem is we often need help to have even a ballpark figure of how much this cosmetic treatment would cost. 

Knowledge is needed. 

You might hesitate to consult a cosmetic dentist for the price, let alone bother having a dental veneer treatment. 

Good thing this article provides a comprehensive guide on how much veneers cost and which options could better help you finance your treatment.

Know all these as you read more.

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men with dental veneers

Factors Influencing Veneers Cost

The cost of dental veneers is often determined by the following factors:

Dental Office Location

This factor primarily affects the varying prices of dental services. Dental offices located on the city streets or within the bounds of central business districts usually charge a higher than usual cost to cover taxes and other expenditures. However, dental clinics in remote places have lower charges, yet some indirect costs are evident. 

Type of Veneers

Dental veneers come in various types and materials used. The cost of these dental veneers differs as the material composition varies. The better the material, the higher the veneer cost than usual. For instance, porcelain veneers cost a relatively higher price than composite veneers. (We’ll break them all down later in this discussion)

Although these types of veneers look almost perfectly natural, teeth-looking, and stain-resistant, consider durability as a major factor in choosing a veneer type. 

Number of Veneers

Dental veneers are individually applied, so costings are computed per-tooth basis. Usually, cosmetic dentists work out special deals (like discounts and packages) if you wish to have a set of veneers. However, the original unit price remains for one or two veneers alone. 

Availing of dental package services is best advised. This will cost you less as you have your dental veneer treatment.

Amidst these uncontrollable factors leading to the varying cost of dental veneers, a ballpark figure in the United States, particularly in California, can still be drawn. 

Porcelain Veneers cost around $925 to $2500 per tooth. The composite veneers, however, cost a little lower than that, averaging $250 to $1500 per tooth. If you are wondering how much Zirconium Veneers are, these cost $1000 to $2000 per tooth. Lumineers, however, cost $800 to $2000 each.

dental veneers application

How Veneer Cost Differ from Other Cosmetic Treatments

Now that you have a rough figure of these veneers in California, the next question that might interfere with your decision-making is whether veneers are the perfect and practical choice among all the options in cosmetic dentistry. You might think of teeth whitening procedures, dental bonding, or crowns as other viable options.

Here’s a quick guide for an easy cost comparison.


Teeth Whitening Dental Bonding Dental Crowns
Average Price $250 to $2500 per tooth $200 to $1500 per session $300 to $600 per tooth $800 to $1500
Specific Breakdown for Treatment Options Porcelain Veneers: $925 - $2500 per tooth

Composite Veneers: $250 - $1500 per tooth

Zirconium Veneers: $1000 - $2000 per tooth
Zoom Whitening: $1000- $1500 per session

In-Office Bleaching:
$200-$1000 per session
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Does insurance cover veneers?

In most cases, insurance does not cover veneers. This is because veneers are mainly cosmetic, hence, considered an elective procedure. This is also true for other cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening and dental crowns. 

Insurance only covers “medically necessary” dental procedures. In this case, only restorative dental treatments, such as tooth extraction and root canal treatment, meet this medical requirement. 

So, it’s vital to check with your dental insurance provider on all these details to avoid overlooking important coverage terms and conditions. 

Other payment options 

If you are interested in having your dental veneers and your cash is readily available, that would be great. If not, then there are several dental payment options that you could choose from. 

You can use a tax-free Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to facilitate your dental financing. A credit card could be another option if you want to pay over time.

For further details, check the following.

Dental Payment Plans Advantages Disadvantages
Health Savings Account • Used to pay for medical expenses, tax-free
• Savings earn a tax-free interest
• Unused funds do not expire
• Must first have a high-deductible health insurance plan
Flexible Spending Accoun • Tax-free
• It can be used on everyday items such as band-aids, sunscreen, or reading glasses while saving on taxes.
• Usually available for one year with two and a half months extension before the plan ends. The unused funds have to be carried over into the new plan for $500


Credit cards are undeniably convenient to use. However, you might want to watch out for hidden costs and high-interest rates.

Also, Consider Maintenance and Consultation Costs

Additional consultations and maintenance might also be included in the overall financing of your treatment. 

Usually, your first dental consultation is free of charge. But there are some clinics charging $500 as a consultation fee. To clarify this, you better check with your dentist before booking for a consultation.

Aside from this, other charges include fees for the needed examinations (e.g., x-rays, dental molding) following the consultation.

Once your veneers are on, proper care is a must. This might incur charges for treatment and maintenance services such as dental cleaning.

group with dental veneers

Key Takeaways

As you invest in dental veneers, there is no getting around the fact that you need to have an informed decision. This article has just provided you with the following important key points:

  • Veneers are a perfect, competitive choice for your smile makeover.
  • Veneers are cost-effective. It guarantees satisfaction beyond the price you pay.
  • The cost of veneers varies depending on the dental office's location, the type, and the number of veneers applied.
  • Veneers are usually not included in your insurance coverage, yet other payment options, such as HSA and FSA, are available to help you finance your treatment.
  • Veneers do not require costly maintenance. Proper oral hygiene is best advised.
  • Veneers are best done with your preferred dental professional. 

With these pieces of information, it would no longer be difficult for you to discern whether veneers are worth your time and money.

The next step now is finding a cosmetic dentist you can trust with your dental needs.

Choose Culver City Dentist United Dental Care

Ready for your perfect smile? Experience the difference in dental care at Culver City Dentist United Dental Care. Book a consultation today and see why we are the top choice for veneers and other cosmetic dentistry procedures.


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