Zoom Teeth Whitening Culver City CA | United Dental Care
The quick and lasting results—combined with a confidence boost and improved comfortability—can make your zoom teeth whitening cost worth it! Read along to learn more about the treatment and how Culver City Dentist United Dental Care can guide you in your first cosmetic dentistry experience.
Having teeth stained and discolored as you age is almost unavoidable. Food and beverages like coffee, tea, and soda chemically react with the teeth, rendering an unappealing color to the should-be bright and healthy smile.
That’s why Culver City Dentist United Dental Care provides a professional Zoom Teeth Whitening treatment to those whose teeth are troubled with dark, yellowish, and seemingly permanent stain shades. As the best whitening treatment in cosmetic dentistry, Zoom Teeth Whitening, however, is not for everyone to get.
Read further to know why
What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?
Zoom Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that aims to lighten the stains and whiten the teeth to a healthy and natural glow. This simple and noninvasive laser treatment uses an amount of hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel and a specialized light called Zoom to bleach each tooth and achieve a perfectly glowing smile.
While history tells us our latest teeth whitening method is accidental, a particular record shows that ways and efforts to whiten teeth began thousands of years ago.
As early as 4000 BC, the ancient Egyptians were noted for making a whitening paste from ground pumice stone mixed with wine vinegar to achieve their desired whitened teeth (emphasizing their wealth and beauty). The ancient Roman civilization, however, made use of ammonia out of their stale urine as a bleaching agent to achieve the common goal of teeth whitening.

Benefits of Zoom Whitening
There are a handful of reasons you should consider getting timely advice from your dentist to start your Zoom Teeth Whitening treatment. Make all your costs worth it as you enjoy all the following benefits of this procedure, matched with our latest technology and performed by our dental health experts.
It’s Safe
Among all other cosmetic dentistry procedures, Zoom Whitening is one of the safest treatments because it is noninvasive and highly guarantees a satisfying and lasting result.
It’s Simple
Zoom Whitening procedures usually take between 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the severity of the teeth discoloration and the advice of your dentist. In addition to being one of the most effective whitening systems on the market, the Zoom whitening system is also one of the gentlest dental treatments a patient can receive.
It’s a Self-Image Booster
Dental issues like teeth discoloration are pesky problems causing discomfort and sometimes insecurities. With whitened teeth, you can wear a smile you can confidently parade anytime. Isn’t that a fantastic way to make the world even brighter?
It’s Efficient and Effective
Using unauthorized teeth whitening products can cause tooth enamel erosion, tooth decay, and severe tooth sensitivity. Hence, this professional whitening treatment stands out because of its efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, it’s recommended and approved by leading dental experts.
In fact, research shows that around 88.8% of members of the American Association of Orthodontists had clients who come to their office requesting teeth whitening treatment – a percentage showing that a significant number of clients are now interested in Zoom Whitening Treatment.
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How does Zoom Whitening work?
Zoom Teeth Whitening procedure can be done in two ways: an in-office and a take-home treatment.
An in-office treatment is performed within the dentist’s workplace and with the dental expert’s assistance. In contrast, take-home treatment—as the name suggests—is done solely by the patient using a specific product or kit at home.
In practice, most clients prefer an in-office treatment, for it is highly supervised and performed by dental experts.
In-office treatment is proven to be 99% safe and effective, unlike take-home treatments which sometimes result in an undesired outcome due to overexposure to the teeth whitening solution. That’s why our highly trained experts in cosmetic dentistry are always open for consultation, assuring patients the proper guidance towards their first Zoom whitening experience.

The actual Zoom Teeth Whitening process
With Dr. Eftekhari leading the zoom teeth whitening process, you’re assured that your experience isn’t something to cause anxiety or discomfort.
At Culver City Dentist United Dental Care, Zoom Teeth Whitening treatments have always been a meticulous yet straightforward procedure.
Step 1: The procedure begins with a dental cleaning and assessment. After the doctor-patient consultation, the hygienist covers the gums and lips so that the teeth are the only ones left visible for the whitening treatment. The eyes are also protected with eyewear.
Step 2: Our dental expert would then apply an amount of the whitening gel to the teeth and activate it with a specialized light developed by Philips for 15 minutes.
Step 3: This process is repeated thrice, and in between each session, Dr. Eftekhari monitors all the improvements.
At the end of the procedure, the teeth are five to eight shades whiter than before. Most patients leave Dr. Eftekhari’s office fully satisfied with the treatment.
Things to know or do before a Zoom Treatment
Although Zoom Teeth Whitening treatment sounds simple, there are still things you need to know and do before having one. There are the following:
- Make sure that you have had a regular dental cleaning. If your teeth are suffering from cavities and other dental problems, then these must be solved first before doing Zoom Whitening treatment
- Have your appointment with a Professional Dentist. Let your dental expert assess your teeth and gum condition and give you potential treatment options.
- Be keen and particular with your goals. Your dentist will be there to help you achieve your perfect smile, but the level of teeth whiteness is yours to decide.
- Once scheduled for Zoom Whitening, take a prescribed over-the-counter pain reliever to lessen teeth sensitivity and discomfort while having the treatment.
Post-treatment Care
After your treatment, here are the things that you have to do to maintain and take care of your newly whitened teeth.
- Clean your teeth regularly to avoid set-in particles that discolor the teeth
- Use the doctor’s prescribed toothpaste and toothbrush when necessary (especially if you are experiencing problems with over teeth sensitivity)
- In case of pain flashes and tooth sensitivity, take the prescribed medicine by your dentist.
- Avoid taking soda, coffee, and tea that give your teeth a superficial stain
- Smoking is highly discouraged because it contributes to the discoloration of the teeth
Frequently Asked Questions
The Zoom Teeth Whitening procedure only lasts for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The whole treatment has three sessions, each with a 15-minute curing duration.
Many dental experts agree that Zoom Teeth Whitening can be done to patients of any age except those below 14 years old. It has to be taken into consideration that the patients must have all their adult teeth before undergoing Zoom Whitening treatment.
Zoom Whitening can give you an instant result after an hour of treatment. Most treatments can create a five to eight times whiter shade than before.
It is recommended to have at least one full session of Zoom Whitening in a year. Only touch-up Zoom treatments are advised after six months if your teeth condition demands another whitening session.
Due to a potential safety concern caused by hydrogen peroxide that is used in bleaching, dentists recommend that all pregnant and nursing women must not be given a Zoom Whitening Treatment. Hydrogen peroxide, in small amounts, is not a fatal substance for pregnant women. However, this bleaching agent has the potential to break down tissues, thus posing a threat to the fetus.
Book a Zoom Whitening Treatment now!
Your perfectly glowing smile is crucial to your oral health and day-to-day life. Never deny this fast, secure, and effective treatment that you deserve.
Restore your confidence and share that radiant smile by taking Zoom Whitening Treatment.
They are essential dental appliances that could protect your teeth from further stains and cracks while giving you a comfortable, pearly-white smile.
Our Culver City Dentist United Dental Care is willing to guide you in your first professional Zoom Teeth Whitening experience.
Book your appointment now and have your initial dental assessment with our dental experts.